Archive for the ‘Thailand’ Category

Happy 2010!!!!

We’ve been absent from our postings for a while because we went on a big trip half way across the world for Christmas & New Years.  It was a trip a bit outside of our comfort zone, but turned out to exceed our expectations.  We joined an organized tour of Thailand offered by Overseas Adventure Travel.   We had concerns right up until we were greated by our tour guide Angela.  Then the two weeks became a blur of Learning & Discoveries, each one more amazing than the previous.  It’s taken us a few weeks to sort thru, widdle down the 3,000+ photos  and post the photos that best sum up this amazing trip.

Summing up this adventure was not easy…

  • lions, tigers, and elephants
  • temples & historic WWII sites
  • food, food, & more food

Oh, and the modes of transportation:

  1. jet airplanes
  2. mini van
  3. tour bus
  4. river boat
  5. tuk tuk
  6. sam pan
  7. songthaew pick-up truck taxi
  8. longtail boat
  9. train
  10. rice barge
  11. tram
  12. rick shaw
  13. e-taan truck
  14. ferry-boat
  15. elephant
  16. bamboo raft
  17. funicular
  18. skytrain
  19. glass bottom boat

The photo’s are now up on-line and ready for viewing.  Just click here to view our on-line photo albums.